Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Community or Guild: B3 (Berm 3)
Date: 8/8/06 (From previous notes)
Time: 4 PM
Weather: Dry

Observations :
One Chicory dead from my mis-pulled in weeding. Very sad. It wilted
quickly and had not enough root to replant. It was tangled in pulled up
Some isolated mold on mulch. Soil is very rich and seems to have good
fungus. Checked the trees under tubing. Some have root buds and others
are sending up stems from below graft. Thses will be clipped off and
mulch moved away so its not so wet.
All plants look good. Many milkweed bugs and a big Argiope Spider. 1"
thorax. Black and yellow stripes, It sits in the center and the male
sits at the web edge. These are Predatory Insects that are harmless to
humans and catch lots of bugs. They eat the web in the morning and
build a new one somewhere else. One moth is wrapped up to go.

Dill is up and i get a whiff off and on. Masses of BW (Buck Wheat) are
falling aside but the understory is clean with groves of clover in
spots. The top BW stems turn up vertical again the next day.

Deer tracks at the top of the hill and in some ares. No damage. i
think the water is better here.

Currants need something. But what? They are not thriving or looking
very green.


Record Activity
Continued weeding in S/B2 (Middle Swale/Berm) 50 feet took 2 hours of
tedious work, but it looks much better and the clover is less pressed.
Clipped fruit tree base-growth. Mulched raspberries and trees.
I turned off the irrigation while hill dries out.

(weeding, harvesting, adding inputs of water, mulch, amendments)
Describe activity, time spent and quantities of materials used

Plant Survey

None taken


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