Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Community or Guild: B3 (Berm 3)
Date: 8/6/06 (From previous notes)
Time: 2
Weather: Moist from deep rain last week.

Observations :
Quack grass is taken root and needs serious attention. The swale side
of B3 is filling in with Paula's new clover mix. Some other plants too
I have yet to identify.
BW 3.5' tall in places and filled with honey bees. Wasps are not as
numerous now. BW needs to be thinned and separated from perennials,
but is going to seed. The edge BW plants are falling over onto the
primary plants.
Some of the Sun Flowers are coming up through the BW in thick stalks. I
hope they flower soon. I am giving them full sun, again by thinning the
Apples are turning red gradually two have dark brown crevasses, others
have some spots but seem otherwise healthy. No deer lately. They seem
happy out back out of the orchard.
The Swale is moist and compacted well from my travels.

Record Activity
I 4 hours weeding and mulching the plants.
I Mulched the trees and bushes, trimmed the root growth on fruit trees
and moved the mulch away at the base.
3 wagons of weeds (All grasses) went to the compost heap. I also used a
drill weeder with some success. It spins the weed and collects the
roots without tearing up the soil like when pulled by hand.
Its a nice change when my back is sore from stooping or kneeling for
weeds. It snot as fast but seems to get all the weed. ($12 at Home
I ate some Alpine Strawberries and raspberries. The apple are tempting
and turning red but must wait.
I added more straw to the back swale side clover and cleaned up the
edges of mulch, which is getting deep in spots.

(weeding, harvesting, adding inputs of water, mulch, amendments)
Describe activity, time spent and quantities of materials used

Plant Survey

None taken

Daniel Halsey


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