SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Community or Guild: New South Swales
Date: 8/27/06
Time: 3pm
Weather: Moisture Dry
Sky Sunny
Precip. None
Temp 70+

Observations :
A few more wetland ground apples. I have to fight off the wasps and get
out there more often.
Small apples seen to fall early from the tree due to stress and were
rotten inside, Large Apples just out weigh their stems and are clean
In the new post Buck Wheat area I see, Dill, Basil, Clover and Comfrey.
A few Teddy Bear Sunflowers and one large Maximillian Sunflower with a
dozen blooms.
There is probably more plants but I am still learning what they look


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