SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log

Community or Guild: B3 (Berm 3)
Date: 8/10/06 (From previous notes)
Time: 7 AM
Weather: Dry

Observations :

Berms are damp but drying.
Honey Bees everywhere! The word is out. 1-3 on every plant and a
constant hum in the air.
Inspected S/B3 See Survey below. Deer tracks at pond side.
Maple Tree at the top of the hill is turning yellow and loosing leaves,
as if it was fall. Too damp from pond?


Record Activity
Not much time, just surveyed and pulled a few big weeds.

(weeding, harvesting, adding inputs of water, mulch, amendments)
Describe activity, time spent and quantities of materials used

Plant Survey I will expand on this as I go. NG- New Growth, NB- No

Royal Plum A++ NG NB
Tonka Plum A+ NG eaten at top, by? Many small spiders
Thimble Berry 1-3 A++ NG and spreading. Leave touching Mulch are
Insectory Island A++ NG and spreading.
Meteor Cherry A++ NG Ants
Northstar Cherry A++
Meteor Cherry 2 A++ NG Ants, Spotted underside of leaves.
Roses 1& 2 A NG
Rose, Carolina A Drooping from heavy NG at top. Not strong stems.
Red Currants 1-3 A Leaves have brown edges and t has little NG
Jewel Crab A+ NG
Choke Cherry A Eaten by bugs at NG. Spiders and Ants.

Daniel Halsey


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