SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log 8/15/06

SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log  8/15/06

Community or Guild: B2 (Berm 2)
Date: 8/15/06 Tuesday
Time: 5PM
Weather: Dry (rained on weekend)

Observations :

Berms are slightly damp but drying from weekend shower. I was away but
buckets had half inch at least.
Milk Weed bugs more than bees today. Sun Flowers are getting huge and
thick. No flower yet.
Dill is getting bigger and aromatic. Paula's B2 Berm Swale side is
filling in with clover. B3 Berm is not, very spotty.
Inspected S/B2 Middle Berm See Survey below.
Deer tracks in Swales and across berms through BuckWheat. I thought BW
was falling over but it seems to be Deer crossing through it.
Not damage to fruit trees. Two spotted fawns in backyard by house. Doe
not in sight. (?)
BW having bad hair day, very unruly and falling all over other plants.
Many seeds developing.

Tall measuring sticks planted in the ground periodically would be
helpful to gage growth.

Pond- Lower pipe is leaking keeping the lower pond trickle from
filling the pond to capacity. Standing water and damp all around the
area in top swale.
Many frogs around, mulch and straw needed badly by earth wall for
erosion control. I also need to put up the fence ASAP. Nothing growing
on the sides.

B1 Berm is left to weeds as I have only time to deal with fruiting
Berms. I will need seed to follow serious weeding.

Record Activity
Not much time, just surveyed and pulled a few big weeds.

Plant Survey I will expand on this as I go.
NG- New Growth,
NF-New Fruit,
NB- No Bugs,
RfDD- Recovering from Deer Damage

Haralred Apple A+ Some old leaf damage NG, NB 8 Apples 2 Cracked and
scabbed, I pulled one and ate it (to check internal condition).
It was delicious and otherwise undamaged beneath fissures. Crisp,
Sour/Sweet, Juicy. Apples are mostly red.
Zestar Apple A++ No apples, Thick with leaves, NG, NB
Flowering Crab A++ One dead branch, NG, NB
Blueberry 1 A+ NG Minimal Fruit throughout.
2 Red Spots on leaves
4 NG (Tall)
5 NG Weed Pressure
Honey Crisp Apple A++ NG, RfDD, No Apples
Honeygold Apple A++ NNG, RfDD, 3 Apples
Raspberry 1-5 A++ NG, NF, taller
Insectory Island A++
Loganberry 1-3 Missing
Parker Pear A++ Spots on Leaves NB
Summer Crisp Pear A+ RfDD
Seaberry 1-3 A+ Split Bark at base, NG, Will wrap and move mulch
away. 1 Missing (planted?) Tag says Seabuckthorn

Daniel Halsey, SouthWoods Permaculture


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