SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log
Community or Guild: New South Swales
Date: 8/25/06
Time: 5:52 PM
Moisture Damp
Sky Cloudy
Precip. Rain last night, filled the pond and half of top swale.
Temp 72
Observations : Bees are afraid of aggressive Milk Weed Bugs.
Frogs, Crickets, grasshoppers, Deer out back watching me.
The Herbs are coming up. I Smell Dill often. Raspberries are big.
All shrubs are spreading slowly. Last years planted, unamended,
heavily mulched, fenced off, Raspberries are giving large fruit.
Record Activity: I cut and removed 42' of BW just above the undergrowth
on B3.
I spread the cut BW on the earthen wall.
Sprayed trees with liquid fence for deer protection. PU
I picked apples from the Wetland Trees. Wasps have their heads stuck
way down in tiny holes in a few apples on the tree. Some apples are
very big and if they have no flaws are quite impervious to the bugs.
Deer eat some and leave the rest for insects.
If I can catch the new ones each day on the ground, they are fairly
usable. The apples I mean. The ones on the tree are getting redder and
bigger each day.
(weeding, harvesting, adding inputs of water, mulch, amendments)
Describe activity, time spent and quantities of materials used
SouthWoods, New South Swales
Haralred Apple A++
Zestar Apple A+
Flowering Crab A+
Blueberry 1 A+
2 A Yellowing leaves, moved irrigation away 2".
3 A+
4 A+
5 A+
Honey Crisp Apple A++ NG
Honeygold Apple A Sad Tree 3 apples
Raspberry 1 A+ Fruiting
2 A+ Basil Growing close-by
3 A+ Fruiting
4 A+ Fruiting
5 A+ Fruiting
Insectory Island A+
Loganberry 1
Parker Pear A+
Summer Crisp Pear A++
Seaberry 1 A++
2 A NG Hail Damage?
Royal Plum A+ New Leaves are bug eaten
Toka Plum Bug Eaten BE
Thimble Berry 1 A++
2 A++ Spreading well
3 A++
Insectory Island A++
Meteor Cherry 1 A++ Heavily papered and mulched, clean and doing well
Northstar Cherry A++ BE Spots on underside of leaves? Buds
Meteor Cherry 2 A++
Roses 1
2 A++ Rose Hips
Rose, Carolina
Red Currants 1 ? Look struggling
2 B Dead and dyeing leaves
3 B Moved Irrigation away
Jewel Crab A++ Big Sun Flower next to it 6' tall
Choke Cherry A+ BE
3 Northern Pecan
Shagbark Hickory Eaten
Nanking Cherry
3 Beach Plum
2 Saskatoon Serviceberry A+
3 Hazelnut A+
2 Hazelburt A