SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log
SouthWoods Plant Community Observation & Maintenance Log
Community or Guild: New South Swales
Date: 10/1/06
Time: PM
Weather: Sunny Moisture Dry
Sky Clear
Precip. 0
Temp 75
Observations :
After cutting down the rest of the buck Wheat i find that little to no
under-story has sprouted. The ground is bare.
The BW should have been cut long ago and not allowed to get so thick.
10" Max height I heard was best. At least less that 18".
Some here were 4 feet tall and laying on the hill in a thick mat. The
cut BW is going up on the new earthen wall cross the front of the
Hopefully it will seed and grow next spring. The birds like it. The
berm will need to be reseeded this fall.
Mulch seems to be degrading fast. Too fast. Bigger chips next time?
More paper underneath.
Record Activity
Cut down BW on Berm 1 and 2.
Ate apples from Honey Gold and Heralred.
Added mulch to bare areas in 1 and 2.
Weeded 3 and planted seed mix
under-story has sprouted. The ground is bare.
The BW should have been cut long ago and not allowed to get so thick.
10" Max height I heard was best. At least less that 18".
Some here were 4 feet tall and laying on the hill in a thick mat. The
cut BW is going up on the new earthen wall cross the front of the
Hopefully it will seed and grow next spring. The birds like it. The
berm will need to be reseeded this fall.
Mulch seems to be degrading fast. Too fast. Bigger chips next time?
More paper underneath.
Record Activity
Cut down BW on Berm 1 and 2.
Ate apples from Honey Gold and Heralred.
Added mulch to bare areas in 1 and 2.
Weeded 3 and planted seed mix
from Paula.
Also laid paper down and mulched around nut trees.
Also laid paper down and mulched around nut trees.
SouthWoods, New South Swales
Haralred Apple A++ 1 Apple left, sprouts from base root.
Zestar Apple A++
Flowering Crab A++
Blueberry 1 A++
2 A+ Smaller All have red leaves now.
3 A+ Smaller
4 A++
5 A++
Honey Crisp Apple A++
Honeygold Apple A+ Still recovering from deer, NNG Ate Two Apples, One
missing, presumed consumed by miscreant.
Raspberry 1
3 All A++, Growing, Juicy but not as sweet
Insectory Island Needs Mulch
Loganberry 1
Parker Pear A++
Summer Crisp Pear A++
Seaberry 1 A++ Looking better than in summer. Stunted by BW? NG
Royal Plum A+
Tonka Plum Lost all leaves, first to do so. Deer damaged
Thimble Berry 1
2 All flourishing, No brown edges
Insectory Island A+
Meteor Cherry 1 A+
Northstar Cherry A+
Meteor Cherry 2 A+
Roses 1 A++
2 Deer eaten? A+
Rose, Carolina A+ Droopy but growing.
Red Currants 1 A+
2 A+
3 A+
Jewel Crab
Choke Cherry Thin A+
3 Northern Pecan
Shagbark Hickory’
Nanking Cherry
3 Beach Plum
2 Saskatoon Serviceberry
3 Hazelnut
2 Hazelburt