I feel another letter comin'on...
I went to the Prior Lake citizen Forum on there long range pans. The 2030
It was like kids in a candy store. It was all about new roads, parks,
trails and housing developments. No limits on growth or moderating expansion
for future conditions.
Peak Oil and Climate Change? Not an issue here.
I brought up the thought that oil might be $200 a barrel. I got 2 seconds
serious consideration then the jokes started about jet packs and transporter
beams. It was a topic none wanted to talk about, probably because they
didn't know about it. Serious needs in this area for a heads up.
The joker moderating the 120 people was an expert consultant entertainer. It
was about keeping everyone happy laughing and thinking they were actually
contributing to the future. No talk about recycling, energy use, or any
other environmental issue. I felt I was in a movie or bad dream. So out of