From Grassy hill to Swales and Berms

The total dimensions of the orchard was to be 50 feet by 150 feet. with a strip of annual garden along the driveway. This made room for three berms and swales.

Next time I would remove all the grass and compost of pile it up somewhere for later.
Its a real pain to deal with and unless its totally dead it comes back in the worst places.
Here I am standing with the laser level.
The swales are dug with a level base and the top soil is piled for the berms. Most level contour swales curve wildly on the side of a hill, but our's was previously graded twenty years earlier, so it is straight. The orchard was staked out with the level as a guide so the top edge of the swale follows the hill contour . Then the base of the swale is leveled also as it is dug out.