SouthWoods Basemap and Designs 2006

The plan for SouthWoods is an Edible Forest Garden containing as diverse a population of species as possible. Using Polycultures and plant guilds we will install a self sustaining garden orchard. The core being fruiting plants and the acconpanying guild members to support those plants and build the soil.Posted by Picasa


will said…
Nice designs, but.. could you upload them in a bigger size?
the one with text are unreadable, and I am specially interested in the one with the guilds.
Daniel Halsey said…
I will do that.

The Blog resizes them.

You can e-mail me and I will send you a better file.

Niels C said…
Cool, looks good to me also.
Perhaps upload them to Picasaweb or Flickr?
Otherwise I'd love copies direct.

Unknown said…
Very nice designs! Please email me with the large file.
Anonymous said…
can you email me the designs to view in better quality. my email is
Anonymous said…
Love your designs, please send me the larger files. I am especially interested in your guilds.
Unknown said…
I'd love to have the larger files if you have the time to send them.
Unknown said…
I would love to have the larger files if you have time to send them.

Unknown said…
Looks Great! Could I also get some larger images and basic information if you have time? I am looking for some case studies for a masters of landscape architecture thesis. my email is Thanks!

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