Photos from the Polyculture Workshop with Dave Jacke.

It was a great weekend. Lots of head work and studying with excellent
presentations. We gained a lot of understanding.

Same time next year I hope.
With Minus 12 degrees we still had over 200 people for the Friday event.

The limited space in the workshop filled with members before we could even
publicize it.

The Permaculture Collaborative Events Committee did a super
job and the U of M had perfect facilities for us.

Erica Hosts the welcome table.

Evelyn takes photos.

Members and friends stretching mid way.

Dave was charismatic and engaging.

The weekend was intense Polyculture Design.

We had many questions that brought clarity to a complex design process.

Paul studies catalogs during a break.

Paul and Paula talk at lunch.

Dave, Ms Crocker, and Milena with Fred ad Reed in the background.

It was never boring. Very interactive


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