The latest design from my class at the U.

Journal from HORT 4021, (as we call it, death by pencil or "Hold all my calls until June")
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 5 weeks and 3 designs to go.
This is the latest design from my program.
It is an amazing process to go through, designing a sustainable landscape.
The upper left is an bermed orchard with five Apple trees , Alpine Strawberry and Wild Blue Indigo.
The lower left is a keyhole garden with rain barrels, compost and shed.
There are many edible plants spread out in the landscape.
This is the final draft. The completed design, which I hope to have up soon, is improved in design and plant selection.
I am loving the prospect of doing this design process for others. After my place.
By the way, all the frogs are back in hiding since the last snow storm.
Bees were out looking for anything that might be in bloom. Good Luck!