Ethnomimicry in Permaculture

We all agree that nature has done a great job perfecting the systems needed for a thriving planet. That plants, insect and animals live in a dynamic community where nothing is wasted. Nature has a way of showing us alternatives to our myopic view, if we only look. Opening our eyes is the first step. I would suggest that this extends  culturally also. Our present resource shortage has been repeated over  generations. Who was it solved by before? Perhaps the answer lies with  the people that preceded us. The people we displaced that lived here for centuries an adapted to the seasons, weather and climate; dealt with adversity far and beyond anything we face now.

If worse comes to worse I have a feeling this land will revert to the original population that occupied it for 20,000 years making out short foray a minor occupation. For certain many of the customs and means to survival will resurface as the cold climate population transitions to an agrarian lifestyle. Our hybrid niche courtesy of cheap carbon fuels, will rescind to the natural niche we should be dealing with. Native Americans lived in a niche or succumbed to natural forces outside their niche. Eastward movement over countless generations of the first population built skills to survive and new means to prosper. Over centuries there bodies adapted to the rigors of outdoor life in regions hot, dry, wet, cold, and frozen.

Had not 95% of the indigenous population been killed by European diseases, our nation would be quite different and most of us would have been born in the land of our great great grand parents. Yet here we are at the cusp of a transition from cheap energy to expensive energy having flourished in a land we razed, drained, depleted and marginalized. A land our children's grand children will still have to use to feed themselves, without agrochemicals, without diesel fuel and without irrigation.

If "worse comes to worse", for the Republic, the only people that might be here after us will be the people who were here before us and those that accept their standard of living and learn their old and forgotten ways.

I hope for the

  1. Abenaki
  2. Akimel O'Odham (Pima)
  3. Alabama-Coushatta
  4. Aleut
  5. Apache
  6. Apalachee
  7. Arapaho
  8. Arikara
  9. Arkansas (Quapaw)
  10. Assiniboin
  11. Bannock
  12. Blackfoot
  13. Caddo
  14. Canarsee
  15. Catawba
  16. Cayuse
  17. Cherokee
  18. Cheyenne
  19. Chickasaw
  20. Chinook
  21. Chippewa (Ojibwa)
  22. Choctaw
  23. Coeur d'Alene
  24. Colville
  25. Comanche
  26. Cree
  27. Creek
  28. Crow
  29. Dakota (Sioux)
  30. Delaware
  31. Erie
  32. Gros Ventre
  33. Haida
  34. Hidatsa
  35. Hoopa
  36. Hopi
  37. Huron
  38. Inuit
  39. Illinois
  40. Iowa
  41. Iroquois Confederacy
  42. Kalispel
  43. Kansa (Kaw)
  44. Kickapoo
  45. Kiowa
  46. Klallam
  47. Klamath
  48. Kootenai
  49. Kwakiutl
  50. Lumbee
  51. Mahican
  52. Maidu
  53. Makah
  54. Malecite
  55. Mandan
  56. Manhattan
  57. Maricopa
  58. Massachusett
  59. Menominee
  60. Miami
  61. Micmac
  62. Mission Indians
  63. Modoc
  64. Mohave
  65. Mohawk
  66. Mohegan
  67. Montagnais and Naskapi
  68. Muskogee
  69. Narragansett
  70. Natchez
  71. Navajo
  72. Neutral Nation
  73. Nez Percé
  74. Nootka
  75. Ojibwa
  76. Okanogan
  77. Omaha
  78. Oneida
  79. Onondaga
  80. Osage
  81. Oto
  82. Ottawa
  83. Paiute
  84. Papago (Tohono O'Odham)
  85. Pawnee
  86. Pennacook
  87. Penobscot
  88. Pequot
  89. Pima (Akimel O'Odham)
  90. Pomo
  91. Ponca
  92. Potawatomi
  93. Powhatan Confederacy
  94. Pueblo
  95. Puyallup. See Salish
  96. Quapaw
  97. Quechan
  98. Sac and Fox
  99. Salish
  100. Santee
  101. Sarsi
  102. Sauk. See Sac and Fox
  103. Seminole
  104. Seneca
  105. Shawnee
  106. Shoshone
  107. Shuswap
  108. Sioux
  109. Spokan
  110. Stockbridge
  111. Teton
  112. Tillamook
  113. Tlingit
  114. Tohono O'Odham (Papago)
  115. Tsimshian
  116. Tuscarora
  117. Ute
  118. Wampanoag
  119. Wappinger
  120. Washo
  121. Wichita
  122. Winnebago
  123. Wyandot
  124. Yakima
  125. Yamasee
  126. Yokuts
  127. Yuma
  128. Yurok

will rise to the 25 million that were here before Columbus. I hope
they will accept and bare the burden and take the best systems our democracy

In Permaculture the Edge and Margin holds great energy and resources.
A society on the edge of "cilvilization" or maginalized by the
majority might hold the key to prosperity or at least survival in
extreme adversity.

Each of these tribes, bands and nations are a national treasure, they
should be honored and respected. Their culture understood and


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