All the animals are busy.
We have two cats that are my eyes and ears to incidental activity on the
Yesterday, one was sitting on the steps staring up into a tree out of my
sight. As I moved to a window near his view I heard the woosh of a hot air
balloon and raising the shade saw the maroon and gold monster hanging just
feet above our barn. It was a beautiful and awesome sight.
This morning the cats once again were focused on a spot. This time by the
house. A large snapping turtle was digging under the stairs to the porch.
I gave the cats the signal, a snap of my fingers, "stop whatever you are
doing and do something else" when they got too close.
The cat-racoon-opposum door stopped the visitor from getting too
In preparation for the picnic this weekend we touched up the SouthWoods log
with a little paint. Much else to do. We are looking forward to a relaxing
time with our friends and family.