Stage One of Phase Two, Insulating
Now that we have the GeoThermal installed. We need to keep what we make.
I have been wanting to super insulate the basement crawl space for a couple years.
First, with the help of Nephew Adam, we put R10 rigid foam insulation on the walls.
I had done the joists last winter. Lots of cutting. The joists got two layers or R20 since they are direct exterior walls.
Adam measured and fit the panels as I cut them in the mechanical room. (What used to be our furnace room.) The pored cement floor in the crawl space was uneven and caused some recutting, but for the most part it went well.
The original duct work is sub par but doing the job. Stage two is wrapping all the duct work with fiber insulation to keep our heated air hot while it travels to the vents.
None of this type of work is fun. It is tedious and hidden from view. Its benefits are long term, and go unnoticed for the most part.