Upcoming PRI Urban Agriculture Classes.

Want to grow your own food?
Want to grow a lot of your own food in a small space?
Learn the art of SPIN farming for a backyard harvest!
is offering a series of Urban Agriculture classes beginning March 25th.
You can register for one class (or) register for them all
and other workshops below.
For more information and to register, go to http://www.pricoldclimate.org/.


Urban Agriculture Methods & Philosophies
3 Wednesdays: March 25th, April 1st & April 8th 7pm- 9:30pm at MCAD

March 25th: SPIN Farming

Small Plot INtensive farming is a method of urban agriculture which allows urbanites with no land base and limited resources the opportunity to grow fresh produce for urban markets on as small an area as a backyard or up to an acre lot. This session will cover SPIN farming methods for growing, tools & equipment, marketing strategies and case studies of urban farmers.

April 1st: Basics of Organic Growing
Utilizing the Philosophies of Eliot Coleman's New organic grower and Lynn Byczynski's Market Garden Success we'll explore growing systems for small scale farming (less than 5 acres), planning crops using crop rotations and green manures, which crops should be directed seeded and which should be transplanted and strategies for dealing with weeds.

April 8th: Biointensive Growing
Biointensive farming centers on the goal of small scale production that can feed a family for a year.

We'll explore the components of this system: Double digging beds, utilizing composting & companion planting, which crops to grow and how to grow them and maximize your yields.

Taught by: Courtney Tchida
Courtney is the Student Program Coordinator for the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and a member of PRI's Teacher's Guild. She coordinates Cornercopia Student Organic Farm at the University of Minnesota where they utilize lots of different growing methods to produce fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers to feed their local community. She has completed training on Permaculture, SPIN Farming, Organic and Biointensive growing and has a Masters in Agricultural Education.

Each session: PRI members $15 / non-members $20

For more information and to register, go to http://www.pricoldclimate.org/.


An Introduction to Permaculture and Homesteading at Any Scale
Saturday April 11, 2009, 9:00am - 5:00pm SouthWoods Forest Gardens, 17766 Hwy 13, Prior Lake, MN 55372
Catching and Storing Energy and Water
Annual and Forest Garden Design
Water and Irrigation Systems
Solar and Geothermal Heating Systems
Minnesota and the Midwest is at a crucial stage in climate change, economics, energy descent and transitioning to self reliant homesteads.
Permaculture has principles and ethics to help individuals, communities and families develop their resources into stable and continuously viable homes and property.
Permaculture principles guide participants in observing patterns of energy use and collection and storage of diminishing resources.
This workshop will introduce Permaculture to participants and assist them in entering new patterns of existence that secure an environmentally supported lifestyle.
$75 Members,
$85 Non-Members,
$150 Workshop Kit (Workshop, Mollison Permaculture Intro. Book & PRI Membership) Save $30!
For more information and to register, go to http://www.pricoldclimate.org/.

Urban Soils
Saturday, April 18, 9am-12pm at MCAD

Learn the basics of urban soils on residential lots at this hands-on workshop. We'll explore soil texture and structure and why they are important along with methods of improving your soil's capacity to support life. Bring a bucket of soil from your yard, and let's explore together how to build the infrastructure for a healthy, productive garden.

Taught by: Cheryl Feigum, PhD Soils Science and Fred Rozumalski, Landscape Ecologist and Horticulturist

Session: $25

For more information and to register, go to http://www.pricoldclimate.org/.


Daniel Halsey said…
We had 50 people at our first urban ag class. Great turn-out and Courtney did a good job. Spin Farming is a intensive method of gardening , with all the Permaculture ethics applied.

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