2010 PRI PDC Minnesota
Permaculture Research Institute Cold Climate
Permaculture can be a daunting and complex discipline to master. The numerous and varied areas of study encompass everything we eat, plant, build, buy, design and implement in our lives. As gardeners, homeowners, farmers and designers we work to develop systems that are multi-functional and integrated into the natural patterns that surround us. This PDC is designed to deliver the breadth and depth of understanding and experience that will not only allow the student to identify and understand issues of eco-sustainability, but affect change to improve the future of their lives, communities and planet.
PRI, Cold Climate has worked to develop the capacity to deliver high quality workshops and events. This PDC is the culmination of organizational and personal commitment to inform and educate members to the highest level, Permaculture Designer Certification. The PDC will consist of 5 weekends over the summer with flexibility for personal schedules. It will consist of 80 hours of instruction and on-site training from basic principles to specialized knowledge in elective modules. Students will work on home assignments and readings between sessions and affect personal change throughout the summer as the lessons progress.
Registration: Members will have first choice for registration for 30 seats. See pricoldclimate.org for details.
The 2010 PRI PDC is available for registration approx. March 1st.
Course Fees:
Full Course Fee is: $1200.00
Registration Fees can be paid by registering at PRICOLDCLIMATE.ORG
To secure your place on the course you must complete the registration form and pay fees. The full balance of unpaid course fees (if applicable) is to be paid by April 10, 2010, otherwise your place in the course may be forfeited. Registration will not be accepted without deposit.
Ala Carte: On-Site modules will be limited to 12 participants each weekend. Members will have first rights to open seats at on-site modules. The balance of unused spaces will be available on-line registration after April 10th.
Non-PDC participants will not receive PDC education credit or materials, but may take part in all activities.
The Designers Manual, by Bill Mollison (Req’d)
Permaculture, Pathways to Sustainability, by David Holmgren (Req’d)
Edible Forest Gardens, by Dave Jacke (Highly Recommended)
Water for Every Farm, by P.A.,Yoeman (PDF Free on web)
Please note that lunch or other meals are not included
A morning and afternoon snack is included in the Course Fee.
Full Course Fee includes a non-refundable registration fee of $250.00. In the event that the course must be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to war, death or ill-health, we will refund the balance of course fees. The $250.00 registration fee however is non-refundable under any circumstances. Should you need to cancel during or before the course you will be charged a $250.00 cancellation fee and course fees for days attended.
We reserve the right to refuse service. No unauthorised audio, video or other electronic recording permitted. PDC Student numbers are strictly limited − register early to ensure your place.