Homestead and Landscape Design Class
Homestead & Landscape Design Series
Through this class designers learn basic landscape design language and technique while using the design process on your their property. Using professional drafting tables and facilities, including 24x36 - 8 scale paper, a large format copier and printer designers get good mileage and develop the skills. A student materials list is provided below; some items need to be purchased at a specialty art or office supply store.
Instructor : Daniel Halsey, PRI/PDC Designer
B.S. Temperate Climate Polyculture Design , University of Minnesota
Agro-ecosystems Designer and Workshop Presenter
Course Overview
Class 1: Design Process and Philosophy
- Site Assessment and Base Mapping, Lecture and Practice.
- Overview- Paper Language, Bubble Maps, Concept, Draft, Final Draft, Final Design
- Assignment - Homestead Base Mapping Measurements
Class 2: Design Progression
- Hardscapes, Uses, Access, Plant Patches.
- Classroom Pencil Practice: Tools, Landscape Symbols, Drawing a Base Map, and using Bum Wad
- Assignment - Finish base map and start bubble maps.
Class 3: Draft Design Workshop
- Supervised Work Session on drawing tables
- Bum Wad concepts to Draft Design. Plant Size and Placement
- Assignment - Complete draft design
Guest Lecturer : Bob Dahm, Hardscapes and Materials
Class 4: Final Design Process
- Supervised Work Session on drawing tables.
- Plant Selection, Ground Covers, Material Calculations, Implementation Notes, and Logistics
- Assignment - Finish Final Design and scan to Tiff or Jpeg and e-mail to Instructor for critique.
Materials List
Drafting tape
Triangles: 45-90 degree & 30-60 degree
Drafting pencils – HB, B, 2H, 4H
8 Scale Ruler
10 Scale Ruler
Small and Large French curve
Small and Small circle templates
Tube for carrying drawings
8-scale graph paper; sheet size 24” x 36” (approx. 8 sheets)
Bum wad paper
Glue stick or double-stick tape
Black ink pens – minimum of 3 tips: narrow, medium, bold
This class is available to groups and organizations through the PRI speakers bureau.