Little Earth Orchard, Community Garden and Hoop House
Bermed Orchard holds Apple , Pear and Cherry Trees.
We installed the trees on a warm autumn afternoon. The weather is extending our planting times. Far to the left of this scene is the hot composting soil builder bins.
We installed the trees on a warm autumn afternoon. The weather is extending our planting times. Far to the left of this scene is the hot composting soil builder bins.
Tool Shed and Community Garden
The Clover is planted and hopefully we will get some ground cover before snow fall.
East Wall, 20,000 lbs. of composting bananas, Garden, and Hoop House
The system is developing before our eyes. Actually as planned on paper, but seeing the structure gives us renewed energy. The entire wall will be vegetated at the base with fruiting shrubs. Next spring we will be ready to go with the new garden farm. Thanks for help from Will Allen and the Women's Environmental Institute.