Minnesota and the Midwest is at a crucial stage in climate change, economics, energy descent and transitioning to self reliant homesteads.
Permaculture has principles and ethics to help individuals, communities and families develop their resources into stable and continuously viable homes and property.Permaculture principles guide participants in observing patterns of energy use and collection and storage of diminishing resources.
This workshop will introduce Permaculture to participants and assist them in entering new patterns of existence that secure an environmentally supported lifestyle.
When: Saturday Feb 12, 2011 9AM - 5PM
Where: Great River School, 1326 Energy Park Dr. St Paul, MN
Recommended Materials: Intro to Permaculture by Bill Mollison
Participants will be given supporting materials based on the days presentations.
Participants should bring lunch. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at breaks.
$75 PRI Members,
$85 Non-Members,
$150 Workshop Kit (Workshop, Mollison Permaculture Intro Book & PRI Membership) Save $30
Please register online. Space is limited, Register ASAP.
Questions? Contact: Dan Halsey