Circle gets the square. Burnsville Endorses new Community Garden Design

30 Foot Garden with Fruiting Perennial Hedge

26 Foot Backyard Garden with Center Bean Towers and Trellises
This April the next generation of community gardening begins. A new design that creates more growing space ad uses less energy and materials.

SouthWoods Permaculture Design continues to install nature based community gardens with integrated pest management, perennial habitat, and a companion orchard.

99 garden plots where all the gardeners need to bring is the seed (and a few garden tools).

Each section is surrounded by a seven foot vegetated trellis fence, numerous bird houses, beneficial insect habitat.

Here are some smaller residential designs too.

48 Foot Circle Garden with Center Picnic Table and Arbor Entrance

64 Foot Community Garden with Vegetated Trellis Fence, 17 Keyhole Beds and 16 Field Crop Beds

48 Foot Circle Garden with Trellis Dome Green House and Exterior Field Crops


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