Toilet Solutions

This Caroma sinked-topped toilet is a great concept for small bathrooms, but also exposes the water used in the toilet while encouraging good hand washing and water conservation. I saw one on a PDC site visit. It brings to mind all the possibilities for changing our defaults when solving resource issues.

It would seen that the lid could be designed as a retrofit top for older tanks too. 

Recently on my trip to Haiti we were enlightened to our bias when it comes to designing permaculture solutions. Toilets such as above are not possible in that environment, nor would anyone spend $500 on a toilet, let alone have plumbing, water, or a bathroom. Nothing is flushed away.

One solution is the movable pit toilet that collects humanure and when moved creates a area ready for tree planting. Incredibly the "porta-potty" had rain collection system built in that allowed for hand washing with clean water.

The Haitians, using what they had, created a solution that challenges even the eco-toilets. It creates a nutrient rich niche for food production and collects it own water (flushing not included).


Unknown said…
how long do the toilets stay in one location before they are moved to the next location? and how far is that location? is it possible, and without odor, to move the toilet literally one width over?
San Francisco CA USA
Daniel Halsey said…
The placement is based on the tree to be planted. The nutrients will spread a distance over seasons. Duration of the placement is depending on use of course. A pit half full would suffice I would think, unless it is being composted as used.

I would move it a good distance based on tree sites. Spread the good fortune around.

Dan, Minnesota

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