Ollas, Gotta have 'em!

The underground watering system that reduces evaporation, salting, water use, frequency, and waters the plants as they need directly to the roots. 
Check out the science
The pots are removed from the soil in freezing climates and at season end.
More Info.
Above from PRI Australia


miltonics said…
A recent search found these for sale at Home Depot, I also know that they are available from Urban Homesteaders (who have trademarked that name much to the consternation of that community).

You could also build them by gluing a couple of ceramic pots together and plugging the bottom. That's the method I chose, it worked very well.
miltonics said…
A recent search found these for sale at Home Depot, I also know that they are available from Urban Homesteaders (who have trademarked that name much to the consternation of that community).

You could also build them by gluing a couple of ceramic pots together and plugging the bottom. That's the method I chose, it worked very well.
Daniel Halsey said…
The Home Depot ones are too small for any good use. And expensive. I will get some good ones for us to try. You can pick one up in the Twin Cities when you come around.

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