Using Adobe Illustrator for Ecological Strategy and Landscape Design

Using Adobe Illustrator for Ecological 

Strategy and Landscape Design 

 January 23-26, 2015

An intensive course with direct instruction for learning Adobe Illustrator skills and work flow.
Click to register here: SouthWoods AI
By popular demand we offer this intense training to get pencil design and ecological concepts into professional graphics on computer.  Small intensive design classes are limited to 12 tables. Register early.  Classes will be held at SouthWoods in Prior Lake, MN. See details below. Any class can be taken individually, however the Adobe® Illustrator  series is a progressive learning format building from all sessions. New students must sign up for HLDS to attend the Illustrator training. Past HLDS students or experieced designers may take Illustrator training as a stand alone course.

A trial version of AI can be downloaded at:
Students will have access to tutorials, example files, templates, symbol libraries, take home exercises, importable survey graphics, and much more.

Instructor: Daniel Halsey, MPS, Certified Designer and Teacher of Permaculture Design

Session 1   Digital Design Training I: Basic tools, layers, and software operation  
Session 2   Digital Design Training II: Using Tools, Workspace, and the Digital Base Map

Session 3   Digital Design Training III: Pencil Concepts to Digital Graphics, Symbol Libraries
Session 4   Digital Design Training IV: The Key, Plant Lists, Call Outs, Output
Session 5   Digital Design Training V: Supervised Work Session for Active Project Sites
Call SouthWoods for sponsoring a series at your location.  612-720-5001  

Digital Design I: Basic tools, layers, and software operation
Overview- The structure and features of AI and how we it them in design. Each week we will have case studies, incorporate the design process, and look at the step by step layering of information and details . Assignment: Take home hand-outs and practice symbols and graphic styles.

Digital Design II: Using Tools, Workspace, and the Digital Base Map
Classroom Tool Practice: Tools, Making Landscape Symbols, Importing your resource files and base map to the title block.
Assignment: Bring finished basemap to next class, output BW copy at OfficeMax.

Digital Design III: Pencil Concepts to Digital Graphics, Symbol Libraries
Classroom Skill practice: Refining the concepts, shapes, and readability. Looking for patterns in the landscape.

Digital Design IV: Supervised Work Session for Designs
Style Demo, Practice and Supervised Work Session. . Assignment - Complete draft design Demonstration: Calculating spaces and materials wih Acrobat.  

Digital Design V: The Key, Plant Lists, Call Outs, Output and Narratives

Materials List: Laptop PC or Mac, Updated Adobe Illustrator Software, Plant Database Access (supplied),
Printer (at home), Adobe Acrobat for PDFs, Internet Access, & Drop Box® Access Account (No iPads or Surface PCs).

When:  Friday Night, Saturday 9-4, Sunday10-5, Monday 9-5, (24 hours of instruction)           
Where: SouthWoods Forest Gardens, 17766 Langford Blvd, Prior Lake, MN 55372
Limited tables so design classes are limited to 12 people. 
$400 for the weekend. Lodging not included.
$500 for LACES credits.


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