Wintering the goats.

The goats are teaching a lot through observation. They are very good at diversifying their diet. They have a choice of alfalfa, hay, and straw; along with some twigs and brush.

Although they love the alfalfa as its comes in fresh and then soon turn to the hay and twigs. Out in the woods they are striping the bark from young basswood (by design) and downed ash.

If its not snowing heavily or too cold, they head out to the woods and browse on small twigs and stems from the fall's foraged plants.

Last week they learned the pond was now not liquid and proceeded to expand their territory.  Somewhat of an issue since that is the border of their area and I have to keep them contained. The back paddock fence dead ends on two sides in wetland ponds.

With the warm days I wanted to get them back into the orchard cleaning up the grasses, but we got more snow again, and they don't seem to want to move the snow away. I rake away the snow and then they will eat grass. 

The manure pile is growing and will be added to the gardens and worm bins. Some great garden crops will result next summer.  I wish I could train them to use one spot. They seem not to recognized the difference between food, bedding, and toilet.

No small adventure having any livestock.


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