Blocks of Change

So many issues with change. We are baling Sand Love Grass for soil OM in the red sandy soils of West Texas. Two balers have tapped out, saying the ground is too rough. An ecologist said we should burn and/or disk the entire 160 acres of bumpy sparse grass land, while I see the plowed cotton fields blowing away nearby. Grazing is expensive if you want paddocks, otherwise cattle ranchers are happy to let the cattle in and eat it to nothing.

With tufts of grass far apart. what is the low calorie solution. Scything seems too energy costly. Long term, we need OM, ground cover, wind abatement. All on 6 - 12 annual inches of rain. No key-lining or sub-soiling needed.  For now we are focusing on the zone 1 homestead, hoop houses, berms, and plants. The field will wait.


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