BTUs from Tree Species

Fire Wood BTUs by Species
 Its Surprising, the difference between wood species and their output. The efficiency of the stove or fireplace makes a big difference for the actual BTU delivered to the heating system.  Dan

The Energy Content of Wood Species

By September 1, 2015
Method of Calculation: A Cord is defined as a tightly stacked pile of wood with the following dimensions: 4′ x 4′ x 8′. This volume (128 cubic feet) contains an average of 85 cubic feet of wood and 43 cubic feet of air. Each pound of wood contains 8660 BTU’s, but with well-seasoned firewood at 20% moisture, only 6200 BTU’s are available.
Example using Osage Orange: 57 lbs/cu.ft. x 85 (cu.ft./cord) = 4845 (lbs/cord) x 6200 (btu/lb) = 30 (mbtu/cord)

(Dan's Excel Spreadsheet version by BTU)

Available Heat Value of Wood per Cord by Species (Sortable Table)

Common Name Species Name Pounds/Cord MBTU/Cord
Alder, Red or White Alnus rubra or rhombifolia 2,380 14.8
Apple Malus domestica 3,485 21.6
Ash, Black Fraxinus nigra 2,890 17.9
Ash, Green Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3,400 21.1
Ash, Oregon Fraxinus latifolia 3,230 20.0
Ash, White Fraxinus americana 3,485 21.6
Aspen, American (Poplar) Populus tremuloides 2,210 13.7
Balsa Ochroma pyramidale 935 5.8
Bamboo Poaceae bambusoideae 1,615 10.0
Basswood (Linden) Tilia americana 2,210 13.7
Beech, American Fagus grandifolia 3,655 22.7
Beech, Blue (Ironwood) Carpinus caroliniana 3,825 23.7
Birch, Black Betula lenta 3,890 24.2
Birch, Gray Betula populifolia 3,145 19.5
Birch, Yellow Betula alleghaniensis 3,570 22.1
Birch, White (Paper) Betula papyrifera 3,230 20.0
Boxelder (Maple Ash) Acer negundo 2,890 17.9
Buckeye, Ohio Aesculus glabra 1,955 12.1
Butternut (White Walnut) Juglans cinerea 2,125 13.2
Catalpa (Catawba) Catalpa speciosa 2,380 14.8
Cedar, Eastern (Redcedar) Juniperus virginiana 1,955 12.1
Cedar, White (Whitecedar) Thuja occidentalis 1,870 11.6
Cherry, Black Prunus serotina 3,145 19.5
Coffeetree, Kentucky Gymnocladus dioicus 3,060 19.0
Compressed Sawdust Logs * Firelog 2,000 16.5
Cottonwood (Balsam Poplar) Populus trichocarpa 2,040 12.6
Dogwood, Pacific Cornus nuttallii 3,995 24.8
Elm, American Ulmus americana 2,975 18.4
Elm, Red Ulmus rubra 3,060 19.0
Elm, White (Russian) Ulmus laevis 2,890 17.9
Eucalyptus (Red Gum) Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2,975 18.4
Fir, Balsam Abies balsamea 2,125 13.2
Fir, Concolor (White) Abies concolor 2,295 14.2
Fir, Douglas Pseudotsuga menziesii 2,805 17.4
Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 3,145 19.5
Hemlock Pinaceae tsuga 2,465 15.3
Hickory, Bitternut Carya cordiformis 3,825 23.7
Hickory, Shagbark Carya ovata 4,080 25.3
Holly, American Ilex Opaca 3,995 24.8
Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood) Ostrya virginiana 4,250 26.4
Juniper, Rocky Mtn Juniperus scopulorum 3,145 19.5
Locust, Black Robinia pseudoacacia 3,740 23.2
Locust, Honey Gleditsia triacanthos 3,825 23.7
Madrone, Pacific (Arbutus) Arbutus menziesii 3,825 23.7
Maple, Big Leaf Acer macrophyllum 2,890 17.9
Maple, Black Acer nigrum 3,400 21.1
Maple, Red Acer rubrum 3,230 20.0
Maple, Sugar Acer saccharum 3,740 23.2
Maple, Silver Acer saccharinum 2,805 17.4
Mulberry Morus rubra 3,740 23.2
Myrtle, Oregon (Pepperwood) Umbellularia californica 3,485 21.6
Oak, Bur (Mossycup) Quercus macrocarpa 3,655 22.7
Oak, Oregon (Garry) Quercus garryana 3,655 22.7
Oak, Post Quercus stellata 3,825 23.7
Oak, Red Quercus rubra 3,570 22.1
Oak, White Quercus alba 3,910 24.2
Osage Orange (Hedge) Maclura pomifera 4,845 30.0
Persimmon, American Diospyros virginiana 4,165 25.8
Pine, Jack (Canadian) Pinus banksiana 2,380 14.8
Pine, Lodgepole Pinus contora latifolia 2,465 15.3
Pine, Norway (Red) Pinus resinosa 2,890 17.9
Pine, Pitch Pinus rigida 2,635 16.3
Pine, Ponderosa Pinus ponderosa 2,380 14.8
Pine, White (Eastern) Pinus strobus 2,125 13.2
Pine, White (Idaho) Pinus monticola 2,236 14.3
Sorrel (Sourwood) Oxydendrum arboreum 3,060 19.0
Spruce, Engelmann Picea engelmannii 1,955 12.1
Spruce, Sitka Picea sitchensis 2,380 14.8
Spruce, Black Picea mariana 2,465 15.3
Sycamore, American Platanus occidentalis 2,890 17.9
Tamarack (Larch) Larix laricina 3,145 19.5
Walnut, Black Juglans nigra 3,230 20.0
Willow Salix 2,295 14.2
This list was inspired by and enhanced from the fine work found in Sweep’s Library.


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