Xeric Pomegranate Polyculture Spain
In the Altiplano of Spain we have dry summers and cold winters. Capers and Judas Tree are Nitrogen fixers. This layout is for a linear planting along a swale and berm system. The dry climate inclines us to spread out the trees more and cover the soil with a diversity of shrubs and perennials.
Pistachio with Apricot and fast growing nurse trees. Pistachio will take years to grow to fruiting, so other temporary trees are used so shelter the plants and create the cooling needed in the soil. This will create considerable organic material for the soil and mulch.
Pistachio with Apricot and fast growing nurse trees. Pistachio will take years to grow to fruiting, so other temporary trees are used so shelter the plants and create the cooling needed in the soil. This will create considerable organic material for the soil and mulch.