Advice to a new homestead site.
Hi Dan,
We're in the process of developing a
permaculture site, combined with a few sustainable homes and a central building
for events, work and more. As I always had a very similar approach and was
actually starting to develop prerequisites, I am very pleased to see someone
else going down the same road. We're still in a very early stage and I would
like to do most of the design work myself, to be able to get into it more. As
we have a limited budget and will have to raise funds sooner or later to
accomplish all the plans envisioned, I would appreciate any input on the
financial aspects, funding and related. We are interested to create sort of a
research institute and further cooperation with you, your associates and other
permaculture institutions.
We are in a place of Germany that still
offers remnants of medieval approaches resembling the permaculture principles,
with often swaled hedges of fruit trees, berry shrubs and alike planted
inbetween agricultural areas. Sadly people forgot about the use and most of it
got removed in the 60s; as it is very hilly here, some spots remained. We also
have vast planted forests of pine trees with a ground cover of blue berries and
ligon berries. It's interesting to see how our ancestors had a similar approach
and sad to see the industrial destruction taking place more and more.
Kind regards,
Good work you are doing.
Send photos. Have you done a good PDC or taken horticulture classes?
What is your background?
Working in design is very complex and takes many layers of information
to integrate correctly.
Using the database will help you find the correct plants
for the site. If some you know are missing, please send me a list so we ca do
the research to get them on-line. If you
want to accelerate the process and your learning, I would advise using an
experienced designer, if you can find one. I admire all the self-starters, but
the goal is to get as much experience as possible while getting the site up and
running ecologically ASAP. Especially now, things are changing fast.
Depending on the size of your property, a drone map can
be helpful. Also, if you have experience in graphic design, get digital design
going so you can adapt the design as you move forward. Pencil is great and
everything starts there, but getting adaptable design and well communicated
strategy needs accurate graphics. We have a strategy all laid out for design
process in United Designers files using Adobe Illustrator.
Self-funding is best if you can. Set up revenue streams
(5) and take care of yourself and the land first. Get systems set up. Find like-minded
people and share the experience and research, not to mention the benefits. Take care of infrastructure first. Good
access, roads, and paths. Get the water system set up. Pick only a couple
focused projects at a time and finish them. Keep the buildings in good
condition and repair everything for long term use. Don’t spend too much money
on technology (although I highly recommend a weather station, soil moisture
meter, and a good internet provider). Buy good tools, kitchen appliances, and
clothing to keep you safe and on the land. Map and document everything with GOOD (cropped
and corrected) photos. Feed yourself first and use all waste as food for the
soil. What is the name of your land? It
needs to have its own entity, as you are the steward and responsible to the
land and its future.
Be well. Thank you for contacting me.