309 threathened and engadangered plant species in Minnesota.
SouthWoods Ecological Design is proud to be the design source for the Crandall Botanical Preserve.
Located in Grasston, Minnesota it will rebuild habitat for threatened and endangered plants while building a foundation of traditionally-edible foraging species. The land has been divided into more than 33 habitat spaces for survey and replanting to build the natural capital, diversity, and raise the carrying capacity to support rare native species of Minnesota. The list below is from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Designer Daniel Halsey is advised and working with local botanists, ecologists, expert plant foragers and the Minnesota DNR. He is collecting and researching plant species and community data for special treatment and propagation in the protected areas of the preserve.
Located in Grasston, Minnesota it will rebuild habitat for threatened and endangered plants while building a foundation of traditionally-edible foraging species. The land has been divided into more than 33 habitat spaces for survey and replanting to build the natural capital, diversity, and raise the carrying capacity to support rare native species of Minnesota. The list below is from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Designer Daniel Halsey is advised and working with local botanists, ecologists, expert plant foragers and the Minnesota DNR. He is collecting and researching plant species and community data for special treatment and propagation in the protected areas of the preserve.
Plants under review for suitable propagation and placement
Common name | Scientific name | Group | Federal status | State status |
Indian Ricegrass | Achnatherum hymenoides | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Eared False Foxglove | Agalinis auriculata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Round-stemmed False Foxglove | Agalinis gattingeri | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Winter Bentgrass | Agrostis hyemalis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Wild Chives | Allium schoenoprasum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Slimspike Three-awn | Aristida longespica var. geniculata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Narrow-leaved Milkweed | Asclepias stenophylla | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Alpine Milk-vetch | Astragalus alpinus var. alpinus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Yellow Bartonia | Bartonia virginica | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Upswept Moonwort | Botrychium ascendens | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Frenchman's Bluff Moonwort | Botrychium gallicomontanum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Slender Moonwort | Botrychium lineare | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Spatulate Moonwort | Botrychium spathulatum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Purple Reedgrass | Calamagrostis purpurascens | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Floating Marsh Marigold | Caltha natans | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Carey's Sedge | Carex careyana | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Handsome Sedge | Carex formosa | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Pale Sedge | Carex pallescens | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Plantain-leaved Sedge | Carex plantaginea | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Weak Arctic Sedge | Carex supina ssp. spaniocarpa | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Northern Paintbrush | Castilleja septentrionalis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Iowa Golden Saxifrage | Chrysosplenium iowense | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Slender Dayflower | Commelina erecta | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Obovate Beakgrain | Diarrhena obovata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Prairie Shooting Star | Dodecatheon meadia | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Hoary Whitlow Grass | Draba cana | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Norwegian Whitlow Grass | Draba norvegica | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Marginal Shield Fern | Dryopteris marginalis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Wolf's Spikerush | Eleocharis wolfii | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Two Leaf Waterweed | Elodea bifoliata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Purple Crowberry | Empetrum atropurpureum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Black Crowberry | Empetrum nigrum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Bitter Fleabane | Erigeron acris var. kamtschaticus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Dwarf Trout Lily | Erythronium propullans | vascular plant | endangered | endangered |
Ball Cactus | Escobaria vivipara | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Hairy Fimbry | Fimbristylis puberula var. interior | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Sweet-smelling Indian plantain | Hasteola suaveolens | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Eastern Green-violet | Hybanthus concolor | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Goldenseal | Hydrastis canadensis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Purple Rocket | Iodanthus pinnatifidus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Prairie Quillwort | Isoetes melanopoda | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Butternut | Juglans cinerea | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Jointed Rush | Juncus articulatus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Marginated Rush | Juncus marginatus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Slender Rush | Juncus subtilis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Narrow-leaved Pinweed | Lechea tenuifolia var. tenuifolia | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Auricled Twayblade | Listera auriculata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Sea Milkwort | Lysimachia maritima | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Bog Adder's Mouth | Malaxis paludosa | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Hairy Waterclover | Marsilea vestita | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Montia | Montia chamissoi | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Chilean Sweet Cicely | Osmorhiza berteroi | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Sticky Locoweed | Oxytropis viscida | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Gray Ragwort | Packera cana | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Elegant Groundsel | Packera indecora | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Canada Forked Chickweed | Paronychia canadensis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Forked Chickweed | Paronychia fastigiata var. fastigiata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Wild Quinine | Parthenium integrifolium | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Broad Beech Fern | Phegopteris hexagonoptera | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Bladderpod | Physaria ludoviciana | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Western Prairie Fringed Orchid | Platanthera praeclara | vascular plant | threatened | endangered |
James' Polanisia | Polanisia jamesii | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Western Jacob's-ladder | Polemonium occidentale ssp. lacustre | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Cross-leaved Milkwort | Polygala cruciata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Christmas Fern | Polystichum acrostichoides | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Snailseed Pondweed | Potamogeton bicupulatus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Algae-like Pondweed | Potamogeton confervoides | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Diverse-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton diversifolius | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Oakes' Pondweed | Potamogeton oakesianus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Spotted Pondweed | Potamogeton pulcher | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Rough-fruited Fairybells | Prosartes trachycarpa | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Slender-leaved Scurfpea | Psoralidium tenuiflorum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Leedy's Roseroot | Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. leedyi | vascular plant | threatened | endangered |
Missouri Bristle-berry | Rubus missouricus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
A Bristle-berry | Rubus stipulatus | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Knotty Pearlwort | Sagina nodosa ssp. borealis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Short-beaked Arrowhead | Sagittaria brevirostra | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Nodding Saxifrage | Saxifraga cernua | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Tall Nutrush | Scleria triglomerata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Northern Spikemoss | Selaginella selaginoides | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Sheathed Pondweed | Stuckenia vaginata | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Small False Asphodel | Tofieldia pusilla | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga canadensis | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Purple-flowered Bladderwort | Utricularia purpurea | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Alpine Bilberry | Vaccinium uliginosum | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Twisted Yellow-eyed Grass | Xyris torta | vascular plant | none | endangered |
Allegheny Vine | Adlumia fungosa | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Narrow-leaved Water Plantain | Alisma gramineum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Nodding Wild Onion | Allium cernuum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Northern Androsace | Androsace septentrionalis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Small-leaved Pussytoes | Antennaria parvifolia | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Green Dragon | Arisaema dracontium | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Red Three-awn | Aristida purpurea var. longiseta | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Ebony Spleenwort | Asplenium platyneuron | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Slender Milk-vetch | Astragalus flexuosus var. flexuosus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Missouri Milk-vetch | Astragalus missouriensis var. missouriensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Spike Oat | Avenula hookeri | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Plains Wild Indigo | Baptisia bracteata var. glabrescens | vascular plant | none | special concern |
White Wild Indigo | Baptisia lactea var. lactea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Discoid Beggarticks | Bidens discoidea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Smooth Rock Cress | Boechera laevigata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Tailed Grapefern | Botrychium acuminatum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Prairie Moonwort | Botrychium campestre | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Mingan Moonwort | Botrychium minganense | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Pale Moonwort | Botrychium pallidum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
St. Lawrence Grapefern | Botrychium rugulosum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Least Moonwort | Botrychium simplex | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Buffalo Grass | Buchloe dactyloides | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Narrow Reedgrass | Calamagrostis lacustris | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Plains Reedgrass | Calamagrostis montanensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Yellow-fruit Sedge | Carex annectens | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Coastal Sedge | Carex exilis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Yellow Sedge | Carex flava | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Gray's Sedge | Carex grayi | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Hall's Sedge | Carex hallii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Hooker's Sedge | Carex hookerana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Intermediate Sedge | Carex media | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Michaux's Sedge | Carex michauxiana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Muskingum Sedge | Carex muskingumensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Blunt Sedge | Carex obtusata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Necklace Sedge | Carex ormostachya | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Prairie-dweller Sedge | Carex praticola | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Northern Single-spike Sedge | Carex scirpoidea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Cattail Sedge | Carex typhina | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Dry Sedge | Carex xerantica | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Missouri Spurge | Chamaesyce missurica | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Hill's Thistle | Cirsium pumilum var. hillii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Twig Rush | Cladium mariscoides | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Late Hawthorn | Crataegus calpodendron | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Black Hawthorn | Crataegus douglasii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Canada Frostweed | Crocanthemum canadense | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Rattlebox | Crotalaria sagittalis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Plains Spring Parsley | Cymopterus glomeratus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Small White Lady's-slipper | Cypripedium candidum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Western White Prairie-clover | Dalea candida var. oligophylla | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Water-willow | Decodon verticillatus var. laevigatus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Silvery Spleenwort | Deparia acrostichoides | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Prairie Mimosa | Desmanthus illinoensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Squirrel Corn | Dicentra canadensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Arabian Whitlow Grass | Draba arabisans | vascular plant | none | special concern |
English Sundew | Drosera anglica | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Linear-leaved Sundew | Drosera linearis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Goldie's Fern | Dryopteris goldiana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Three-stamened Waterwort | Elatine triandra | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Dwarf Spikerush | Eleocharis coloradoensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Neat Spikerush | Eleocharis nitida | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Few-flowered Spikerush | Eleocharis quinqueflora | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Rattlesnake Master | Eryngium yuccifolium | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Hudson Bay Eyebright | Euphrasia hudsoniana var. ramosior | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Autumn Fimbry | Fimbristylis autumnalis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Blanketflower | Gaillardia aristata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Northern Gentian | Gentiana affinis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Felwort | Gentianella amarella | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Northern Oak Fern | Gymnocarpium robertianum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Kentucky Coffee Tree | Gymnocladus dioica | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Nuttall's Sunflower | Helianthus nuttallii ssp. rydbergii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Appalachian Fir Moss | Huperzia appalachiana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
American Water-pennywort | Hydrocotyle americana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Twinleaf | Jeffersonia diphylla | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Bog Rush | Juncus stygius var. americanus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Creeping Juniper | Juniperus horizontalis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Mudwort | Limosella aquatica | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Broad-leaved Twayblade | Listera convallarioides | vascular plant | none | special concern |
American Shore Plantain | Littorella americana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Whorled Loosestrife | Lysimachia quadrifolia | vascular plant | none | special concern |
White Adder's Mouth | Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda | vascular plant | none | special concern |
One-flowered Muhly | Muhlenbergia uniflora | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Broadleaf Water Milfoil | Myriophyllum heterophyllum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Slender Naiad | Najas gracillima | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Olive-colored Southern Naiad | Najas guadalupensis ssp. olivacea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Sea Naiad | Najas marina | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Old Field Toadflax | Nuttallanthus canadensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Rhombic Evening Primrose | Oenothera rhombipetala | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Devil's Tongue | Opuntia macrorhiza | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Blunt-fruited Sweet Cicely | Osmorhiza depauperata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
American Ginseng | Panax quinquefolius | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Purple Cliff Brake | Pellaea atropurpurea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Carey's Smartweed | Persicaria careyi | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Wild Sweetwilliam | Phlox maculata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Butterwort | Pinguicula vulgaris | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Scouler's Popcornflower | Plagiobothrys scouleri var. penicillatus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Slender Plantain | Plantago elongata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Small Green Wood Orchid | Platanthera clavellata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Wolf's Bluegrass | Poa wolfii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Prairie Parsley | Polytaenia nuttallii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Small Shinleaf | Pyrola minor | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Lapland Buttercup | Ranunculus lapponicus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Sessile-flowered Yellow Cress | Rorippa sessiliflora | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Kinnickinnick Dewberry | Rubus multifer | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Prince Edward Island Blackberry | Rubus quaesitus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Vermont Bristle-berry | Rubus vermontanus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Wild Petunia | Ruellia humilis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Spiral Ditchgrass | Ruppia cirrhosa | vascular plant | none | special concern |
McCalla's Willow | Salix maccalliana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
False Mountain Willow | Salix pseudomonticola | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Beaked Snakeroot | Sanicula trifoliata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Encrusted Saxifrage | Saxifraga paniculata | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Tumble Grass | Schedonnardus paniculatus | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Soapberry | Shepherdia canadensis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Drummond's Campion | Silene drummondii ssp. drummondii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Soft Goldenrod | Solidago mollis | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Long-stalked Chickweed | Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Short's Aster | Symphyotrichum shortii | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Yellow Pimpernel | Taenidia integerrima | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Goat's Rue | Tephrosia virginiana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Hairy-jointed Meadow-parsnip | Thaspium barbinode | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Torrey's Mannagrass | Torreyochloa pallida | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Snow Trillium | Trillium nivale | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Purple Sandgrass | Triplasis purpurea var. purpurea | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Spike Trisetum | Trisetum spicatum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Narrow-leaved Vervain | Verbena simplex | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Barren Strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides var. fragarioides | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Oregon Woodsia | Woodsia oregana ssp. cathcartiana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Cutleaf Ironplant | Xanthisma spinulosum var. spinulosum | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Montane Yellow-eyed Grass | Xyris montana | vascular plant | none | special concern |
Siberian Yarrow | Achillea alpina | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Beach Grass | Ammophila breviligulata ssp. breviligulata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Seaside Three-awn | Aristida tuberculosa | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Long-leaved Arnica | Arnica lonchophylla | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Tuberous Indian-plantain | Arnoglossum plantagineum | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Great Indian Plantain | Arnoglossum reniforme | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Clasping Milkweed | Asclepias amplexicaulis | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Prairie Milkweed | Asclepias hirtella | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Sullivant's Milkweed | Asclepias sullivantii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Maidenhair Spleenwort | Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Fernleaf False Foxglove | Aureolaria pedicularia | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Waterhyssop | Bacopa rotundifolia | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Stream Parsnip | Berula erecta | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Kitten-tails | Besseya bullii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Alpine Bistort | Bistorta vivipara | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Holboell's Rock-cress | Boechera retrofracta | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Narrow Triangle Moonwort | Botrychium lanceolatum ssp. angustisegmentum | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Common Moonwort | Botrychium lunaria | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Goblin Fern | Botrychium mormo | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Blunt-lobed Grapefern | Botrychium oneidense | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Larger Water Starwort | Callitriche heterophylla | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Cuckoo Flower | Cardamine pratensis | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Jointed Sedge | Carex conjuncta | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Davis' Sedge | Carex davisii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Fescue Sedge | Carex festucacea | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Garber's Sedge | Carex garberi | vascular plant | none | threatened |
James' Sedge | Carex jamesii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Smooth-sheathed Sedge | Carex laevivaginata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Spreading Sedge | Carex laxiculmis var. copulata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
New England Sedge | Carex novae-angliae | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Ross' Sedge | Carex rossii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Sterile Sedge | Carex sterilis | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Water Pygmyweed | Crassula aquatica | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Short-pointed Umbrella-sedge | Cyperus acuminatus | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Ram's Head Orchid | Cypripedium arietinum | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Slender Hair Grass | Deschampsia flexuosa | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Big Tick Trefoil | Desmodium cuspidatum var. longifolium | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Stemless Tick Trefoil | Desmodium nudiflorum | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Narrow-leaved Spleenwort | Diplazium pycnocarpon | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Olivaceous Spikerush | Eleocharis flavescens var. olivacea | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Robbins' Spikerush | Eleocharis robbinsii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Beaked Spikerush | Eleocharis rostellata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Short Ray Fleabane | Erigeron lonchophyllus | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Upland Boneset | Eupatorium sessilifolium | vascular plant | none | threatened |
False Mermaid | Floerkea proserpinacoides | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Black Huckleberry | Gaylussacia baccata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Witch-hazel | Hamamelis virginiana | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Mud Plantain | Heteranthera limosa | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Beach Heather | Hudsonia tomentosa | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Rock Fir Moss | Huperzia porophila | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Catchfly Grass | Leersia lenticularis | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Prairie Bush Clover | Lespedeza leptostachya | vascular plant | threatened | threatened |
Small-flowered Woodrush | Luzula parviflora | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Three-flowered Melic | Melica nitens | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Rock Sandwort | Minuartia dawsonensis | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Large-leaved Sandwort | Moehringia macrophylla | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Glade Mallow | Napaea dioica | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Small White Waterlily | Nymphaea leibergii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Clustered Broomrape | Orobanche fasciculata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Louisiana Broomrape | Orobanche ludoviciana var. ludoviciana | vascular plant | none | threatened |
One-flowered Broomrape | Orobanche uniflora | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Franklin's Phacelia | Phacelia franklinii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Rough-seeded Fameflower | Phemeranthus rugospermus | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Canadian Ricegrass | Piptatherum canadense | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Tubercled Rein Orchid | Platanthera flava var. herbiola | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Bog Bluegrass | Poa paludigena | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Braun's Holly Fern | Polystichum braunii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Hair-like Beak Rush | Rhynchospora capillacea | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Toothcup | Rotala ramosior | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Cloudberry | Rubus chamaemorus | vascular plant | none | threatened |
a bristle-berry | Rubus fulleri | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Swamp Blackberry | Rubus semisetosus | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Three-leaved Coneflower | Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Hooded Arrowhead | Sagittaria calycina var. calycina | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Red Saltwort | Salicornia rubra | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Satiny Willow | Salix pellita | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Whorled Nutrush | Scleria verticillata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Ovate-leaved Skullcap | Scutellaria ovata var. versicolor | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Annual Skeletonweed | Shinnersoseris rostrata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Snowy Campion | Silene nivea | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Case's Ladies' Tresses | Spiranthes casei var. casei | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Awlwort | Subularia aquatica ssp. americana | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Reniform Sullivantia | Sullivantia sullivantii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Clinton's Bulrush | Trichophorum clintonii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Hidden-fruit Bladderwort | Utricularia geminiscapa | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Lavender Bladderwort | Utricularia resupinata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Edible Valerian | Valeriana edulis var. ciliata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Lance-leaf Violet | Viola lanceolata var. lanceolata | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Yellow Prairie Violet | Viola nuttallii | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Silverleaf Grape | Vitis aestivalis var. argentifolia | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Alpine Woodsia | Woodsia alpina | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Smooth Woodsia | Woodsia glabella | vascular plant | none | threatened |
Rocky Mountain Woodsia | Woodsia scopulina ssp. laurentiana | vascular plant | none | threatened |